Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Prevent Enamel From Wearing As You Age

Did you know there are only 9 Mondays left until Christmas? Where has the year gone? If you’re anything like us and time just passes you by in the blink of an eye, then you know with the passing of every min, every hour, and every day comes another year to add to your age. Though life brings so many wonderful things with the coming of age, aging can have its downside too; especially on your teeth. Contingent on your health and diet habits, tooth enamel can erode from years of chewing and biting. Unfortunately, the human body can’t replace your enamel and there really is no telling how much your teeth will wear during your lifetime.

Aside from the regular wear of tooth enamel, some health conditions can cause your teeth to wear at a faster pace than the average person. Bad habits such as grinding, chewing on nails or things like bobby pins, can often fuel your teeth to wear faster. Also, acids and tooth decay can do this too. So what can you do to prevent your teeth from wearing as you age? 

First, start by making sure you’re getting regular maintenance done. Brushing, flossing, regular check-ups and cleanings as well as exams by your general dentist will help you keep your teeth healthy as well increase longevity. Second, talk to your dentist about habits that affect your teeth, or identify them and take the initiative to seek help. For instance, those who have a problem grinding their teeth can purchase a bite guard that can prevent this habit and prevent abnormalities in your teeth.

If you would like more information on slowing the rate of tooth wear as you age, please contact Lubbock Periodontics to schedule an appointment.

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