Bacteria collect on teeth and gums daily, which is why routine brushing and flossing is essential to stopping infection. These bacteria, if left alone, develop into gum disease and begin to wreak havoc on the look and function of the smile. Teeth develop plaque and gums become sensitive, eventually leading to decay and infection. Patients with advanced periodontal disease experience gum recession and tooth loss.
Periodontal disease can enter the blood stream and spread to the heart, lungs, and can also create blood sugar problems. Individuals suffering diabetes are at greater risk for gum disease, and if your heart health isn’t optimal, it’s possible to aggravate problems by not seeking treatment for periodontitis. However, our Lubbock dentist can reverse this process if caught in time, saving your teeth and overall body health with transformative treatments.
If you think you’re suffering from gum disease, please call our office and we will schedule you for treatment as soon as possible.