Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Learn About the Link Between Gum Disease & Heart Disease

Did you know gum disease sufferers are nearly twice as likely to also suffer from heart disease and stroke? Studies have revealed that oral infection is certainly a risk factor for stroke. Patients diagnosed with acute cerebrovascular ischemia were shown to be more likely to also experience some degree of periodontal disease.

Additional Details
Lubbock Periodontics and your cardiologist generally work as a team in order to treat individuals experiencing both conditions to ensure each is being properly maintained.

There are several theories which may explain the link between heart disease, stroke and periodontal disease, which include the following:
  • Oral bacteria affect the heart – There are at least 13 different strains of periodontal bacteria, and some of these strains of bacteria can enter the bloodstream and attach to the fatty plaques in the heart blood vessels (coronary arteries). This then contributes to clot formation, causing grave danger to the individual. 
  • Inflammation – Periodontal disease causes severe inflammation in the gum tissue, elevating the white blood cell count and the C-reactive protein levels. Research has shown that elevated levels of C-reactive proteins have been linked to heart disease. 
  • Infectious susceptibility – Individuals who experience particularly high levels of oral bacteria may have weaker immune systems and an inadequate host inflammatory response. These factors may induce specific vascular effects which have previously been shown to contribute to the onset of certain forms of heart disease.
If you have questions or concerns about periodontal disease and its relation to heart disease and stroke, please give us a call at 806-794-8365.